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Life just moves a little slower
When life picks up the pace, it’s important to take a deep breath. South Haven is the perfect place to step back and relax. Known for its beautiful beaches, charming eateries, wineries, and boutiques, it has everything you need for the perfect vacation.
Stevens first created a new brand identity – an abstract representation the four seasons and then developed a targeting and visibility strategy that reflected the relaxing and scenic atmosphere that makes South Haven unique. This resulted in the “Find Your Escape” advertising campaign that ran on radio, TV, outdoor, print and digital in targeted DMAs.
By clearly establishing the goals of the Visitor’s Bureau, defining their target audience, and creating and promoting a consistent and compelling story, Stevens was able to push South Haven to a new period of growth.
In the first year, 98.5% of those surveyed reported that the ads were influential in their decision to visit, $10.6 million was generated in visitor spending, and the incremental trips generated by the campaign rose to 13,410 – all resulting in a 25:1 R.O.I.
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